Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Atividade instalasaun Genset Komatsu SAD521 250 KW iha EDTL Turiscai

Depois tinan 1 ho balun hahu husi junh0 2012 gerador Deuz MWM323 150KW avaria, iha EDTL Turiscai la asesu energia electricidade durante tinan  ne nia laran.
Mesmu iha planu husi Departementu Manutensaun gerador  DsD maibe depois proposta hirak ne too Director geral EDTL la aprova ho rajaun katak Linha geral Distribuisaun husi Dili besik ona too Maubise e sei la kleur tan to'o ona iha Sub Distritu Turiscai, nebe lalika tan falegadu ho gerador hirak ne'e.

Maibe aserta ho reuniao partidu CNRT iha dili iha fulan Junho foin dadauk ne'e kuadrus partidu husi Distrito Same kestiona katak Turiscai tinan ida ona la asesu electricidade. iha momentu neba Permeiru Ministru toma atensaun ba secretario estadu Electricidade para foti urgente kedas tau gerador ida iha  Turiscai kontinuasaun mandatu ida ne'e hato'o ba DG ho urgente, aserta ba orden husi sec. estadu, DG foti desijaun tenke lalais kedas tau gerador iha turiscai.
Bele hateten katak karik laiha komplain ka la kualia kona  asuntu Turiscai ninian parese komunidade Turiscai nafatin iha nakukun to'o 2014 karik tanba planu asaun DsD, DG la aseita. hatudu katak kondisaun nebe mensiona DG rasik mak kria no la permite atu komunidade Turiscai hetan naroman.

Ho presaun nebe refere, husi Tecnico DsD hamutuk ho Tecniko EDTL Comoro foti desijaun halao transferensia gerador Komatsu husi Jumalai ( Suai) mai suporta iha Turiscai. Iha loron 3 nia laran instalasaun prontu hotu ona e hahu dia 29 de Julho 2013 komunidade Turiscai kontente fila fali ho naroman nebe mai husi EDTL.

Tuir mai dokumentasaun atividade instalasaun Gerador:

Halao instalasaun combustivel ba gerador

Halo apoiu Tubo de eskapa/ mufler gerador ninian husi ai rin distribuisan ninian

Kondisaun dalan nebe perigu kuandu tempu udan, mesmu haluan ona, maibe realidade kuandu udan boot tarnsporte labele liu dalan ida ne'e.

Gerador lao opera ona ho Potencia maximu 45 KW deit ( Kapasidade Gerador 240 KW/ real Power)

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Geradores nebe insatala haleu distritus no sub distritus sai abandonadus , laiha ona atensaun ba gastus hirak mak governu hasai ba hola sasan hirak ne'e. Persiza hatene katak mesmu Central Boot iha Hera no sei iha tan central Betano maibe keta haluha katak gerador kiik oan sira ne'e persiza toma atensaun, hamanas bebeik( trablha) hodi asegura kualidade, no ejiste nafatin no sei sai patrimoniu Estadu. Ita hare barak katak kuandu iha aumenta nesesidade sobre consumedores energia electricidade, hanoin ida opotunidade ida atu bele fo contratu ba ema hanesan hotel, impreza privadu nomos seluk tan nebe persiza energia reserva.
Hanoin buat ida persiza tebes tanba mos bele aumenta income ba EDTL.

  Gerador ida ne'e ho kapasidade 1,2 MW nebe foin instala iha 2012, depois paradu tiha to'o agora e sai abandonadu. lahatene sei bele moris ka lae !! ida nee persiza tenta running state island mode hodi hatene. Karik labele ona ida ne'e persiza gastus fali mak foin bele opera normal
Hanesan iha Suai ho gerador Cummins 1 Megawatt ho total 5 unit, cummins 1.2 MW 1unit.
Iha Distritu ida ne'e foin lalais iha tinan 2011-2012 instala kedas 5 unidade. hanesan foto sorin ne'e.
Transferensia Gerador 180 KW ho marka Deutz, fofoun transfere husi Distritu ainaro e depois halo manutensaun nomos halo kompletu accessories sira seluk inclui rebuilding panel control e instala ba kontainer laran hodi movel transfere ba-mai tuir nesesidade EDTL. Agora dadaun ne'e nia para fatin iha Hatoudu distritu ainaro ninian. Transferensia ida ne'e halao iha 2012 nia laran. Kondisaun gerador ida ne'e nomos hanesan sira seluk alis paradu lo'os ona to'o ohin loron depois sub estasaun Casa Opera ona no fornese energia ba clientes EDTL iha Distritu Ainaro tomak inclui Hatoudo.

Lospalos Electricity Substation operators floor down

  1. Rehabilitation of Electricity substation that suddenly the whole operators floor down as collapse
    According to information from the operator ( Chinese Staff ) that damage the floor in substation Lospalos happened all of a sudden, the whole condition of the floor in the oper...ator room down the same time, as would drift, and eventually report to the CNI center in Dili to immediately handle / rehabilitated. To restore the condition, the labor / handyman of (Chinese man) worked day and night to finish it.
    The incident occurred in May, 2013, because it is still under warranty or liability CNI thus handled by their own.

    Only question is how the quality the new construction that just used 1 year after its inauguration and is the construction could last a long time or just and will be destroyed after submitted to EDTL 5 years later?

    Be a question and if it happens at all substation aroun Timor leste after handover, Are is not a problem for EDTL and will spending more budget for rehabilitation afterand and results were hurt EDTL in the future?
    Need to be considered by the leadership in this country .......!!!!!!!!!

    Sub Estasaun Lospalos

    Floor Ceramic that have removed